I’ve been trying to get all the snmp on my servers fixed and it’s been kind of a pain. Powershell doesn’t have any good cmdlets, but I’ve found a couple examples. This is very nice script, but doesn’t work on remote machines unless you do PS Remoting. (I need to bone up on my PS remoting now.)

I ended up using the following for the base of a script. I need only a very simple script so this looks for a specific registry key which will be the name of the CommunityString.

function Get-RemoteRegistryValue ([string]$ComputerName, [string]$KeyPath, [string]$Value) {
    try {
        $Hive = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]::LocalMachine
        $reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey($Hive, $ComputerName)
        $key = $reg.OpenSubKey($KeyPath)
    } catch {
        return "ERR"
    return $key.GetValue($Value)
Get-RemoteRegistryValue -ComputerName $server -KeyPath 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SNMP\Parameters\ValidCommunities' -Value 'YourValueHere'