Gilmore Girls (2016)
There are three constants in the universe: death, taxes, and Rory Gilmore making galactically stupid decisions and never suffering the consequences.
The new Netflix four-part miniseries of Gilmore Girls put a conclusion on the series that the show didn’t, but it’s a haphazard mishmash of a show that tries to relive its long-gone glory days.
The first episode consists entirely of cameo appearances from the TV show, and it’s kinda neat that they managed to get nearly everyone from the show for a spot in the miniseries. Unfortunately, the writers squeezed all the cameos into the first episode. They were shoehorning unrelated situations into the storyline to squeeze in yet another cameo. One could feel the awkwardness. Well, almost everyone gets a cameo in the first episode. Melissa McCarthy only has five minutes at the end of the last episode, because Netflix had to do something to keep you watching till the end.
But don’t worry, the second episode is where things start to get back to normal in Stars Hollow. And by normal, I mean it consists mostly of Rory making incredibly shallow, self-centered, stupid choices and suffering no consequences:
- Can’t decide on which job to take, though one employer is begging her to come work for them. (Ha, like she’d have multiple job offers.)
- Sleeping with her former lover even though he’s engaged. (Classy.)
- Hanging around losers that have a panic attacks over the previous decade’s college boyfriend. (Paris is a contender to be more annoying than Rory.)
- Having a one-night stand with a Wookiee cosplayer. (Great selection, Rory.)
- Complaining about being 32 and hasn’t had more one-night stands. (Apparently screwing up often is an effective way to learn how to deal with screwing up? One-night stands are good?)
- Bombing an interview because she doesn’t have her favorite outfit. (Such strength, much independence.)
- Losing all job prospects because she couldn’t make up her mind. (Is this the one time she’ll faces the consequences?)
- Working for the local rag for no pay because nostalgia. (How do these people pay their bills?)
- Losing her lover because his fiancée moved in with him. (She’s the side woman; she couldn’t see that one coming?)
- Getting pregnant. (Aaaand we’re set for a reboot.)
One of the funniest things about the show was the ThirtySomething group. They’re a group of jobless, drifting, shallow, basic-personality, millennials with helicopter parents. Rory constantly bumps into them and desperately tries to run away as they try to recruit her for their group. I couldn’t help but see that this is exactly the place where Rory belongs, and more importantly, where she is already.
It’s plain to see that Gilmore Girls was created and written by leftism: It worships journalism as a noble profession, it glorifies slutty behavior and single motherhood, and virtue-signals by name-dropping. Now, the schtick was fast-talking pop culture references so name-dropping was a part of that. I get it. It was kind of cute during the show, but name-dropping “Lena Dunham” four times in as many episodes? Yikes.