Teenage slasher or softcore OnlyFans advertisement?

I Know What You Did Last Summer (2021) poster This could have been an entertaining reboot of the late 90’s teen slasher with Jennifer Love Hewitt was it not for the over-sexualized montage of internet-famous, rich kid party lives. Maybe the meme is true: the older I get, the more I sympathize with the killer and not the teenagers.

The premise and setup for the twist weren’t terrible, but it was a little unbelievable: Twin girls. The first accidentally killed by the second in a tragic hit-and-run. So the second twin assumes the life of the first to cover up her crime. A year later, the killer scrawls an I know what you did last summer note and begins knocking off each of the people involved one by one.

I could see the twist coming a mile away: did the first twin really die or has she come back to haunt everyone and get revenge? She came back! But the switch happened in the middle of the show. So half the show was actually the first twin, pretending to be the second twin, pretending to be the first twin. Confusing? Yes. Worth it? Not really.

There were far too many red herrings that didn’t fool me. The island cult. The long lost mom that’s still alive. The too-old “chad” that’s creeping on pretty co-eds. The dirt poor loner that hangs out with the rich kids. The creepy “witch” living in the woods with a honey fetish. There may have been more, there were so many I don’t remember all of them.

The show was over-sexualized. Every episode had some drug fueled, teenage sexcapade, or a deranged feminist spouting the latest online slang. In between the softcore, lesbian OnlyFans scenes, some feminist was screaming out “incel” to the closest white guy.

I hated the characters, so maybe I could say the show was well acted. And the show was paced well and didn’t slog along, I’ll give it that much. However, the situations were just too unbelievable to be sucked into the world (Dad is in on the cover-up. Seriously?), the characters were such a mess that I was actively rooting against them, and all the show had to hook you with was the teenage titillation.

Watch: No.