Make sure your custom transcoding directory includes the backslash.

I run Plex in a Windows VM because Windows is easier for me to troubleshoot, and I’m too lazy to switch it to Linux or Docker. Also, I created a ramdrive so I could offload the transcoding directory off of the NAS. It may not help much, but it will keep a little bit of I/O off the NAS since it’s now SSDs instead of HDDs.

But after creating the T: drive (T for “temp”, see what I did there?) and setting the Plex Transcoder temporary directory to T: it seemed like everything was working. Weeks later, I found that something had broke the skip intro feature on Plex and I finally put the two together when I found these log entries:

ERROR - [Transcoder] T:Transcode\Detection\<guid>: No such file or directory

The fix was to add a the backslash: T:\

Plex Transcoder temporary directory setting

After that fix, analyzing a season would cause the skip intro feature to scan the files successfully. Perhaps adding a subdirectory and not using the root of a drive might have been a good idea. I’ve ran into that issue before.